Video-chat app

No limits on communication with the world

Captio, a video-chat with real-time transcription for easy communication. Designed for people with hearing impairments.

How it works

Captio, a video-chat with real-time transcription for easy communication. Designed for people with hearing impairments.

What was the challenge?

An estimated 466 million people worldwide – 5.5% of the population – have disabling hearing loss, and this number is expected to rise to 1 in 4 by 2050. Today, 34 million children have deafness or hearing loss, of which 60% of cases are due to preventable causes.


Our team responds to the needs of all those who wish to improve the quality of their remote communication. We have developed a solution that uses the latest technology to facilitate communication without compromising the quality of face-to-face exchanges.

Full screen video-conversation

If you wish to imitate a face-to-face conversation, use the full-screen mode.

Half screen video-conversation

In this mode there is a separate place for chat history. Scroll the text if you want to make notes from the meeting.

Minimized video-conversation

When clarity of the text is the key, you can minimize the video screen. In this option, you will still see your interlocutor in the upper corner of the screen.

Adjust Font

Choose the font style and size, as well as contrast, so that you can see the text clearly. You also have the option of fonts for dyslexics.

Captio in details

Case study

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