Health app

Smart health monitoring

Your smart assistant in heart failure monitoring

Delivered by cardiologs

How it works

It makes monitoring easy and encourages patients to care more about their health. Plus, the large font makes the app accessible to all ages. All the app's features provide support to a patient in a course of therapy. Each of them follows the latest European guidelines related to the treatment of heart failure.

What was the challenge?

HF is one of the most significant public health issues contributing to higher worldwide mortality. In deve-loped countries, heart failure affects 1-2% of the adult population and more than 10% of people over 70.


Patients frequently lack relevant disease knowledge and corresponding self-care skills. Regular monitoring combined with a self-care routine is a potent way to improve health and respond to changes in your condition.

It makes monitoring easy and encourages patients to care more about their health. Plus, the large font makes the app accessible to all ages.

Personal health data diary

KardioLog encourages patients to measure blood pressure, pulse, weight, the grade of oedema and shortness of breath. They can enter results quickly and access them in one place, anytime.

Medication reminders

Helped by timely reminders, patients are more likely to take medicines as planned. Following the medication guidance helps make their therapy more effective.

Patient education

Articles explain all aspects of the disease and the patient's therapy. Cardiologists work with writers to creating articles that can be easily understood.

Blood pressure, pulse and weight charts

Collecting and monitoring patient data helps in the optimisation of pharmacotherapy. Alongside checks for swelling and shortness of breath, weight charts are helpful in deter-mining the risk of water accumulation in the body. Charts of dyspnea and oedema help in assessing the severity of symptoms over time.

Physical activity charts

Statistics help determine whether the patient is building healthy habits, or if decreasing activity may relate to a worsening condition.

kardiolog in details

Case study

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