Your Flutter cross-platform mobile applications.

Beautiful, fast, reliable
Your Flutter cross-platform mobile applications, created by experts.

01What is Flutter

Flutter is a framework that allows you to build apps for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, Google Fuchsia, and the web using a single codebase.
Flutter makes it possible to build cost-effective, cross-platform applications that meet the highest design, reliability, and performance expectations.
Flutter keeps its reputation as cutting-edge technology due to its efficiency advantage over competitors React Native, Xamarin, and IONIC. Flutter also outperforms native Android and iOS apps in time and cost savings. Flutter is a fast-growing technology that’s becoming more sophisticated as more companies and developers adopt it.

02Flutter Benefits

Great performance
120fps easily matches the performance of native applications
Fast development
Development is up to 40% quicker than native technologies
Customisable UI
UI creation that offers unlimited possibilities
Cost-efficient app maintenance
Up to 50% less costly than using native technologies
Single development team
One team is responsible for both iOS and Android apps
Complies with the highest security standards


03Our Flutter applications

01FinTech Connector
Community application designed for the Fintech industry professionals.
02KardioLog App
Healthtech application designed for users with diagnosed heart failure.
03Captio App
Peer to Peer video-chat application with a real-time transcription. The product is designed for hearing-impaired patients.
04Mobile Wallet App (NFC)
Mobile wallet with NFC payments integration.
05Loyalty App
Loyalty application designed to increase customer engagement.

04Why should I choose Flutter?

Development is fast
Flutter's hot reload means building and debugging applications is faster than with other frameworks.
Cross-platform design is simple
Once designed, visual assets are used across all the platforms you target. Every component looks the same, including buttons, drop-downs, animations, and so on.
Performance is great
The 120 fps speed is equal to native Android and iOS apps and much faster than other cross-platform technologies.
Endless UI and animation possibilities
Flutter renders each visual element you create, which means the possibilities for UI style and movement are endless.
Supported by Google and trusted by big companies
Flutter's growth and progress are important to Google. Flutter is used by a variety of major corporations, including Microsoft and Toyota.
App release and publication is easy
Release new features on all platforms without extra effort. The single code base gives you a smoother development process. For example, the Android team does not need to wait on the iOS team before an update gets released.

Looking for flutter experts?

Data storage and privacy, cryptography, authentication, and session management are included in the set of security standards developed by OWASP. Flutter satisfies these criteria, making it ideal for high-security applications like banking and medicine.
Only one development team
With a single code base, there's no need for separate teams for Android, iOS and web. Instead of two or more teams, recruit only one!
Developers are available
Developers like Flutter as it boosts their productivity. Today, there’s no trouble finding engineers to work with as the number specialising in Flutter continues to grow.
Lower cost of app maintenance
Debugging is much faster when using a single code base. Testers and developers' lives are easier as bugs appear the same way on all platforms, so they are easier to identify and fix.
Be ready for Fuchsia OS
Flutter is compatible with Fuchsia OS, a new Google platform. As a result, a Flutter application will run on Fuchsia OS with little effort.
A devoted community
Flutter has been stable since 2017. Today, it has 111k GitHub stars, which means many thousands of developers trust it. React has 30k fewer stars even though it's been around longer. Flutter's biggest competitor, React Native, has been stable since 2015. Today, it has 93k GitHub stars.

05What problems does it solve

hiring engineers
No need to hire separate engineering teams, one for Android and another for iOS
one codebase
No more communication and team alignment problems as only one codebase used
No more no more drop in performance when developing cross-platform apps
No difficulties building prototypes and MVPs on a limited budget

06What projects is it good for?

Interactive prototypes
In less than two weeks, you can build a clickable prototype with Flutter. It not only saves you time and money but also allows you to confirm technical feasibility and get customer/investor feedback earlier.
MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
A single development team and unified app designs make Flutter an excellent choice for building product MVPs. Quick, cost-efficient development means your product will be market-ready fast. Win your first clients and investors sooner!
Animation-rich applications
Skia, Flutter's built-in engine, renders visual elements frame by frame. As a result, Flutter is highly-efficient and an excellent choice for graphically-intensive apps.
Long-term projects
Flutter is suitable for scalable, long-term projects due to its excellent performance, a single code base, reduced team size, and an easy-to-learn programming language.

Our team about Flutter

AllBright took our challenging designs and really made them shine. They understand design, communicate clearly and sweat the details. The result was better than what we had hoped for. Working with them is a blast!Christoph KolbCDO Wahnsinn Design GmbH,

Do you want to discuss your mobile app project with an expert?

07Why Allbright

15 years
of commercial experience
12 years
building scalable applications with millions of users
6 years
experience in secure fintech projects
4 years
developing medical and health applications
Experience with GDPR, PCI DSS and HIPAA security compliance
Built mobile applications for big corporations and brand-new startups
Great attention to details
Product team
UX and UI matters to us
10 days
Have a rapid prototype built in as little as 10 days!

08Flutter Application Development Process

1Business requirements workshop
2Market research
3UX/UI workshops
7Maintenance and Support
Business requirements workshop
A preliminary meeting to learn about your business, perspectives, and needs. We'd like to hear your thoughts and understand your company's business climate, inspiration, and product goals.

Clients about us

AllBright took our challenging designs and really made them shine. They understand design, communicate clearly and sweat the details. The result was better than what we had hoped for. Working with them is a blast!Christoph KolbCDO Wahnsinn Design GmbH,

Want to talk to a Flutter expert? Contact us!

09Flutter blog articles

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React Native